Monday, September 19, 2011

Ephesians 4:29-32

So I have a confession to make:  I have a sick heart.  Many of us do actually.  But here recently I have noticed I have suffered from a bad attitude and most of the time symptoms of bitterness and anger are clearly present.  As you may have noticed, I have not written in a while.  This is one of the side affects of my sick heart... one I have failed to pay attention to and chose to ignore at other times.  Now, obviously nobody is perfect (even if I joke about it from time to time I am not perfect), but I could be doing a much better job at choosing my words, my self control, at capturing thoughts, and being obedient to Christ.

I have not necessarily even tried to get rid of the harsh or critical words that fill my mouth at times.  Sometimes the little voice inside my head (which I believe to be the Holy Spirit) tells me to keep my mouth shut and focus on the cross.  Sometimes I listen.  Other times my pride blinds me and I ignore the command given by the voice.  Pray with me... for me.  Please pray for the words that come out of our mouths and for the attitudes that reflect on the outside.  A couple of key verses I love are the following:

"Above all else, guard your heart,
   for everything you do flows from it."

~*Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)*~

"Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be."
~*Matthew 6:21 (NLT)*~

The two mean a lot to me.  When my heart is focused on me and how angry I am, that is when it gets sick... and sicker and sicker with every thought focused on me alone and not above.  When my heart tells me that what I have is never enough... really "enough is never enough", it stresses out and does not trust God to provide and my heart gets sick.  When my heart focus is on Christ, however, it is whole, healed, and healthy.  Please pray for my heart focus and attitude towards all of my life, that I would seek out my true Healer and Provider.
"Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.  Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."

~*Ephesians 4:29-32 (NLT)*~

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