Tuesday, April 10, 2012


"So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”"
~*2 Corinthians 5:20*~

Ambassador:  An authorized messenger or representative.

Who am I representing?  I have come to this realization recently of the fact that I represent something much bigger and much more important than anything my mind could ever wrap itself around.  It was not until recently how hard this reality hit me.  Who do I represent?  In the work place?  In life?  Through my words and actions?  I say "I am a Christian" but what image am I giving as a Christian?  A few simple phrases and I now see what that may look like (good or bad) to the people around me.  Have you ever noticed that some non-Christians are quicker to call you out on some behaviors than Christians are?  I often wonder why that is.  Why give them a reason to call one out on anything?  I know we are "only human".  I know I am not "perfect" (I know... shocking isn't it?) but I can live for Christ and work for Him as an ambassador, a representative, for the Cross and what happened there.

At work I have recently discussed "perception" with my supervisor.  It is amazing how some people can see a situation only how they want to see it instead of how it truly may be... I am guilty of it.  The discussion was about being careful how you say something and what you are doing.  This "perception" speech can apply to any area of life.  A coworker saw a coffee mug sitting on the table in our office.  When she asked who it belonged to she quickly answered her own question by saying she saw the word "Christian" on the much so she should have known it was mine.  What perception might she have of Christianity because of me and how do my words and actions influence her view?  Every now and then a guy at work will jump in to the middle of a conversation and most of the time, without missing a beat (and hopefully jokingly), will say "That's not very Christian of you Sharina."  It happens... I slip up but whether he heard the whole conversation or not, and even if he took something out of context, how careful am I with my words?

Who am I representing?  Satan can cause me to slip up with temptation... but there is always a way out of temptation (1 Corinthians 10:12-13).  Ultimately, it is my choice to sin.  The little voice in my head says "Don't do it" or "Don't say it because you know it isn't right"... but I choose whether or not to follow up.  The temptation may be there and that may not be my fault, but what do I do with that temptation?  Do I take those thoughts captive and force them to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5-6)?  Or do I allow the temptation of something grow into sin (James 1:14-15)?  I may not have caused the temptation itself but am I choosing to dwell or act on that temptation?  Most of the time if that is the case, my words reflect that sin... when I dwell I begin vomiting words and thoughts that do not represent in any way what I should be living for.

We are called to be ambassadors of Christ.  We are chosen to be a representation of the King... how CRAZY of a thought is that?  We are chosen to represent the reason for life... chosen to do great things for the Creator who put us here to do those things He planned for us long before we were even born (Psalm 139:16; Jeremiah 29:11; & Romans 8:28).  Are my words and actions a good representation of who I am living for?  In my work, am I working wholeheartedly as though I am doing this work for God (Colossians 3:23 & 1 Corinthians 15:58)?  Good questions to ask myself from now on before I act or speak.  Chosen as an ambassador for Christ.  What a wonderful thought to have written on the hearts belonging to Him.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Another Beautiful Day...

I sit here, another beautiful Saturday morning... reflecting.  SOOOO blessed by the peace and time to spend with on most Saturday mornings.  Reflecting... purpose and service have been on the scrolling marquee of my brain lately.  It is obvious to some the definitions of the words purpose and service.  To some, though, it is not as obvious when trying to find the perfect "fit" for one's purpose and service.  I am surrounded by it.  I realize that I can honestly say that it is a struggle for me.  I realize my struggle often comes from my own stubbornness... me trying to figure it out instead of waiting patiently with open ears for God.  Somebody recently called me out on my stubbornness which usually brings a few things to light in my life... they are usually right to call me out and I appreciate it.  But even with the stubbornness, somewhere part of that something has broken off.  I can't really explain it, obviously if I am calling it "that something" but it is awesome to reflect over the recent happenings of my life.

I am completely blessed by the service of others... we all are at some point if we sit and think about it.  I sit here watching two gentlemen mow our lawn... serving for a church ministry maybe they are familiar with or know exists... but maybe not.  I didn't ask needless to say.  I wonder if they realize the service they are providing.  I look at the happenings within the ministry God will use this house for.  I have seen the change and the growth and the service being provided to this ministry.  I see service in all directions... all around me.  I just finished reading through Isaiah 61.  I am getting this beautiful, real life picture of what it might mean to have an "ancient city" rebuilt in modern day.  I have a live picture of what it looks like to have "foreigners" serving, tending, and caring.  It is absolutely beautiful.  Within Isaiah 61 God reveals promises and feelings for us that I have never taken the time to think about in depth.  A crown of beauty for ashes... oaks of righteousness.  Both decently familiar as God did something completely stellar and blew my mind with verses one through three of this passage.  *(I'll tell you the story at the end)*

The rest of that passage... the other promises are promises I have not paid much attention to because I've often gotten stuck on the first three verses.

-Priests of the LORD --> Ministers of God
-Feed on "treasures" --> Boast in HIS riches
-Share in honor --> Honor and love replaces shame and dishonor
-A double portion of prosperity --> Everlasting joy in HIM
-Suffering for His sake --> A faithful reward and everlasting covenant

Then there is a portion of this scripture that strikes some heart chords in me:  verses 10 and 11.

"10 I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God!
    For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation
    and draped me in a robe of righteousness.
I am like a bridegroom in his wedding suit
    or a bride with her jewels.
11 The Sovereign Lord will show his justice to the nations of the world.
    Everyone will praise him!
His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring,
    with plants springing up everywhere."

It is more than amazing to think of feeling the way this passage describes feeling:  OVERWHELMED by the Lord... feeling like a wedding day (yes I've dreamt of what that may feel like some day).  And honestly God promises SO MUCH MORE... and that just BLOWS MY MIND!!!!  It is a beautiful sight to look around at those who serve.  I sat at an "Appreciation Dessert" gathering last night (Friday) at my church.  It was beautiful to see those involved in service in our church and to think that I am a part of that.  A little bit of God revealing purpose and service... I wonder when/if I have/will stop trying to figure it out.  I have my times of struggle, wondering what God has for me or what He wants me to do with my life... the question of "purpose" shows its ugly face every now and then.  It is in the times that I'm not necessarily "thinking" and that stubbornness breaks down a little bit that I can see "purpose and service" happening.  It takes help breaking down my stubbornness and I am grateful for those who help me.  I can see that part of "something" breaking away.

I still cannot define that something... and I don't think I am talking about my stubbornness but maybe I am and I don't realize it.  I learn about it in me by watching the service in those around me and in listening to and learning from them.  The stubbornness usually needs a kick in the rear by somebody before I will do some service... like singing for the worship team at my church.  I am blessed by those willing to call me out and challenge me to get up and share a gift God has given.  Who knew I would love it?  Then again, why would God have me serve in a way I didn't love?  I love to write... I pray it "serves" somebody for a greater purpose than just something to read.  What I have been stubborn in and not faithful with is the small things:  The little "notes" sent in an email or text to somebody struggling; a not written and handed over with a book and encouragement.  I see I need to be faithful in the small things (Luke 16:10-12).  God is showing me... He is teaching me... and I can see beauty in learning and listening.
*"Oaks of Righteousness" Awesomeness*
Here are the series of God showing me something:

-Saturday March 24, 2012: Text a few people asking for the reference to the Oaks of Righteousness passage.  I write about it that morning in my blog... Crowns of Beauty.

-Sunday March 25, 2012:  First time to help sing and lead worship at church.  Micah has me read Isaiah 61:1-3 to the congregation... Oaks of Righteousness passage.

-Monday March 26, 2012:  Breakfast with God Devotional = Taproots... how if you cut the taproot of a plant/tree it'll live but may not grow.  Challenges to be planted in the Word, firmly rooted in God, and relying on Him for nourishment.  Then I start reading Chapter 11 of "A Confident Heart".  The verse that starts the chapter --> Isaiah 61:3 --> Planted for His splendor --> Oaks of Righteousness.

-A week later on Monday, April 2, 2012 --> Encouraging Word from K-Love that is sent to my inbox: "Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance."  ~*Isaiah 61:7*~

-Thursday April 5, 2012 --> Quiet Moments with God devotional starts off with Isaiah 61:3.  Realization hits that I should stop trying to "figure it out" and let God just SHOW me why He keeps taking me back to this passage.

-Monday April 9, 2012 --> "Who Holds the Key to Your Heart?" Chapter 2 starts with Isaiah 61:1-3 as the lead in to the chapter.