Monday, December 10, 2018

Learning Presence

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”  Matthew‬ ‭6:34‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Revelationary thought of the day: Jesus preached about being present. It’s not a brand new concept by any means.  Some days verses come alive more than others (thank you Holy Spirit 🙌).  While I don’t always do it perfectly, it’s because on those “some days” I choose to spend time with Him. I choose to take my requests to Him. And then I choose... to be still and listen.  When we sit and only ask questions, we don’t give Him room to respond.  We don’t stop talking long enough for Him to reveal Himself to us.  God is a gentleman so He won’t yell at us to shut up so He can get a word in. We have to choose to be still.  When we are still we can listen to Him... we can know He is God (Psalm 46:10).

Over the past year and a half a word that’s been spoken to me by a close friend (often) is contentment. I think that peace comes with contentment. (Peace, for those who don’t know, is the second candle on the advent wreath... and just so happened to be the topic of our Sunday school yesterday). I was hanging out in Philippians 4 today (shocker) and stressing out about my finances: what if I can’t give somebody the best Christmas present ever? What if I can’t pay for this in January or that I’m March or this in a year?  (a year Sharina? Really?!) Reading through verses 11-12 my mind jumped to having “not enough”. Not enough compared to who?!  Fast forward to verses 18-19, I have all that I need!! I have everything I need for TODAY and then some. And He will take care of tomorrow.  He’s already in our tomorrow.  He IS out tomorrow.  Not enough compared to who?!  Did you know that comparison is the thief of joy? And come the holiday season it is pretty easy to compare oneself by possessions and money.  Do you know how rich we are as Americans? The fact that I’m posting this on Facebook using a cell phone with unlimited data to do so? Hmmm... (sorry for the side note... little bit of self preaching going on here)

Comparison is the thief of joy... I’d also say that what if’s are the thief of peace.  What if’s take you out of the present and put you in the future... a future that is in the hands of the richest, mightiest Father we could have. A future that holds things we have no control over.  A Father who supplies all that we NEED according to those riches!!!  Notice the word NEED.  Our WANTS aren’t always (really usually) what we NEED.  (Please note you still have to choose to be responsible with what He’s given... another preaching at myself moment).

Here is my podcast moment:

“Once he’s set free from what he has expected he will be free to receive what he needs.

When we get too married to our plans we can miss God’s purpose.

You can’t really know what God is doing until He’s done it. And you don’t really know what you need until you get what you want and find out it isn’t even really what you thought it was.”

This could also take me into a big(ger) post on expectations but I will save that for another day.  The point for today is that Jesus called us to be present. We can rest assured that all we need for today will be supplied. In that knowing, we find peace. Because in that knowing, we focus on God and allow Him to meet our needs in ways that very well may surprise us.  Don’t allow the what if’s to steal your peace. Somebody pointed out that our level of peace (or lack there of) could be an indicator of where we are fixing our minds and hearts.  Don’t let comparison steal your joy.  Focus on what He has given to you, not what you think you should have or what somebody else has that you don’t have. Focus on the needs He has met today and will continue to meet in the future.  Allow yourself to be present with those around you because that might be the greatest present of all.
