Friday, July 31, 2020

2020 Vision - Where did our focus go?

2020... a year of vision and focus, right?  Pretty catchy coming into the new year. It worked well for New Years resolutions. New year. New goals. New you. (By the way, it doesn’t have to be January 1 for you to start. You can start right now if you want to). 2020 vision. A year to refocus. YEAH!!!  Until it wasn’t. Because of a pandemic known as coronavirus... COVID-19. Then it seems we lost focus. Vision disappeared. The world went crazy. Chaos hit. Society panicked. All the toilet paper disappeared too. We went on lockdown. And now I can’t find real Lysol cleaner anywhere!!!  2020 vision magically disappeared?

But it didn’t have to. The circumstances of the world changed.  They did it dramatically without asking our opinion or permission. And that some how stole vision and focus and goals and dreams from people. But it really, honestly, truthfully, did not have to. Vision and focus can still exist, but it matters where those are fixed. 

If focus is fixed on the ever changing and never ending chaos (wind and the waves) then it is no wonder the world is in a panic!!  It is no wonder why we feel like we are sinking and need to be pulled above the water  (check out Matthew 14:22-33)!!  I can tell you, though, that even in ever changing circumstances and never ending chaos... there is a Constant. There is Consistent.  There is a never changing Presence.  And a focus fixed on Him is peace even when surrounded by the crazy.  His name?  Jesus. He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow, and all of the tomorrows after that (Hebrews 13:8). 

His grace doesn’t change.  His mercy doesn’t change.  He doesn’t lie (Numbers 23:19). He keeps His promises (Deuteronomy 7:9; 1 Corinthians 1:9). His love for us does not change. There is NOTHING that will change His finished work on the cross (John 19:30). That death and resurrection does not, can not, and will not change!!! It is FINISHED!!!  The end!!  It’s BIGGER than anything we are and will ever face.  He is BIGGER. 

2020 can still be a year of vision and focus. But where you fix your focus matters. Where you fix your focus will bring life or death (Romans 8:6 in the Amplified Classic is pretty explanatory).  Wherever you fix I focus, those things will grow.  Focus on circumstances? The circumstances will be the only thing I see and they will appear bigger than Jesus and what He has done.  Focus on Jesus?  Guess what?!?!  HE appears BIGGER!!!  Circumstances still exist but they lose their power to control how I feel and act and react to the things going on around me. Which means I don’t have to react from a feeling. I think we have witnessed the fear and panic in our world when people react out of how they feel thanks to current circumstances. 

Focus on Him brings a reaction out of faith. And faith (sorry to break it to ya) isn’t a feeling. I might have times when I FEEL anxious.  I might have times when I FEEL afraid. But sometimes feelings lie. If I react out of those feelings versus the Truth?  There is panic.  But if I feel those feelings and choose to react out of faith?  I stand firm in what I KNOW to be true in spite of how I feel. I stand firm knowing Jesus is BIGGER.  I stand firm knowing I serve an infinite and almighty God who is sovereign and provides, above and beyond, everything I need (Philippians 4:19)!  He does exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever even imagine (Ephesians 3:20).  Because that is who He is. He provides in abundance (John 10:10).

When He is the rock on which I stand, there is a foundation that is simply unshakeable (Matthew 7:24-27). But... let me tell you a not so secret secret... I have a choice (so do you)!  It is my choice to stand there. It is my choice to choose Him. It is my choice to act in faith instead of feelings. It is my choice.  And He gives you that same opportunity!!  It’s available. HE is available. You have a choice too!!  To choose Him or the world. To stand on a foundation of the One who is BIGGER... or the shifting sands of circumstances. 

It’s my choice to have vision. Focus. Maybe 2020 is still a year of vision and focus.  Maybe it has given us a chance to go deeper.  To see Who is constant. To refocus our vision on the One that truly matters. Him. Jesus. He isn’t through. It’s not over yet. And despite the happenings around us, He is still BIGGER. None of this surprise Him (I can’t imagine Him sitting on the throne going “well I sent expecting that!!”). I know I have had PLENTY of time to spend with Him (newsflash: you’ve got the same amount of time each day too). 

That is where to fix focus. Let Him be Vision.