Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Psalm 119:9-11

Sometimes I underestimate the importance of Scripture... I mean, it happens often to many people who love Jesus, right? How important is the teaching of Christ in the lives of those who love the Almighty One? Allow me to ask yet another question (I'm doing it even if you don't want me to): how do we know how to keep our life and hearts purely focused on hope and love in Christ Jesus? A few things I have read this morning struck something in my heart. God seems to know how to push my buttons and get me thinking and going every morning. He created me after all so of course he knows!! Two things: Do I have an answer as to why I believe in Jesus and how often to I judge people without even thinking about it? Two thoughts addressed by Scripture. Two thoughts that pop into my brain and float around constantly. Well, Scripture has something to say about both... which is a great thing for us!!

Do I have an answer for why I believe? I know why in my heart but putting it into words is rather difficult for me. Believe it or not I have trouble explaining myself at times. Jesus is Hope, Love, and Joy. He showed me hope, love, and joy by living to die for me. He gives me hope, love, and joy... and a choice to follow him. Do you have a reason for why? And judging... ironically I'm writing this as I sit in my car and a gentleman whom I'm not very fond of and who gives me the heebie jeebies, pulls up next to me. I have a difficult time not feeling uneasy and passing judgment. Judgmental words can usually be caught before they are said but thinking is a different story... and a weak spot of mine. I catch myself at times thinking about my thinking and somehow a lie is dug up... a lie that if it isn't voiced then it isn't judging others. The truth is that our minds and our hearts are powerful and judgment is judgment whether it is voiced or not.

An awesome thought from Oswald Chambers I read this morning said, "Yes, all those, as well as other evils, would have been exhibited in me if it were not for the grace of God. Therefore, I have no right to judge... ... We have judged others as sinners -- if God should judge us in the same way, we would be condemned to hell. Yet God judges us on the basis of the miraculous atonement by the Cross of Christ."

Thank God that His word is the direction and command to live by. Plant those promises and words in your heart, water it with God's truth, and let Him grow it my friend. =)
"How can a young person stay pure?
By obeying your word.
I have tried hard to find you --
don't let me wander from your commands.
I have hidden your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you."

~*Psalm 119:9-11 (NLT)*~

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