Monday, June 20, 2011

Philippians 4:19

What rules my life? What determines who I am and how I act? What do I rely on? Why is it so difficult to get away from strongholds... like worry for instance? Why is it so difficult to be vulnerable to others? Can I not see past pride for help sometimes? Most importantly, where is my faith that my Heavenly Father will provide for me? Provide everything... meet all needs. It is a promise made by the One who never fails. Yet I fail to have that faith sometimes. At times, I feel it... I feel the presence, the comfort, the peace... in the times I trust Him with everything He provides everything I need. Whether it be financially, mentally, physically... whether I'm struggling to keep a budget, struggling with aloneness or singleness, struggling because I have a cranky pancreas... God provides everything. He provides the comfort, the lifting of financial burdens, the "gentle" guiding from another, the comfort to remind me I am not alone, the peace to know that right now it is His time for me and my singleness, and the knowledge of friends who are doctors and dieticians. He provides the kind words I need to hear from His Word and the words of others. He provides the gifts to get me through, the love that never fails, the forgiveness of the cross... things only He can provide... and that's a promise. It is a promise made by the One who never fails. All I need is a little faith in that promise and trust that my Father in Heaven knows my needs. He knows better than me what is best for me. That is a promise.
"And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus."

~*Philippians 4:19 (NLT)*~

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