Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Isaiah 26

What does it mean to be consumed by something? A few words that pop up in the definition are words like destruction, deplete, destroy, expend, and waste away. I have been consumed by things, good and bad, in my life. I have been mastered and depleted by ungodly habits instead of allowing God to master them in my life. Before I chose to follow Christ, I thought it was okay to "have fun". Before I jumped into Scripture, I was sure that God would forgive me even though I was being ruled by other gods in my life. I simply thought I would receive forgiveness simply because I believed in God... but belief does not always equate to heart felt faith. But even the demons believe... and shudder in terror (James 2:19). They are simply ruled by other god.

Such it is with most all of our lives. Most of us have or are struggling to fight off our demons, addictions, bad habits, bad attitudes, and all of the other gods that consume our lives. I often have to take a step back and check the priorities of my heart. Do I always step back and check myself? No. But should I? Most definitely!!! The question for me to ask myself is "what does the Bible say about this.... (whatever I'm struggling with)?" What is it that has control of my life? Is it the fact that I'm single (a killer struggle right now), appearance (I could lose a few pounds), money, friendships, job, or anything else? I have had a few rough gods to wrestle in my life, but no god is bigger than my God. I hear so many people say that there is no way that they can escape an addiction or the gods that rule their lives. I know one way that we can conquer and overcome. Friends, his name is Jesus (John 16:33).
"You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!"

~*Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)*~

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