Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Call to Follow

Have you ever felt like you have found a calling in life... found your calling? You found what you are called to do but almost everything in your current life disagrees. Your finances, debt, health, and all but a few hand-fulls of people disagree... everything and so many people seem skeptical about that calling, telling you to pray more and offering other ideas... telling you that in your life you just do not have the resources and that it will not work out... those doubts even take over your thinking ever now and then. I go back to a question I was asked recently: if I could do ANYTHING in this life to glorify God and knew I could NOT fail, what would it be? My first (and quick) response, heart and mind, is that I would not be here. I would be living somewhere in a foreign land with a visible need. I would be living somewhere to meet a need, not of myself (although I'm sure there would be needs met), but the needs of others... Africa pops into my head first... then Haiti and I have not even been there (yet). And then I think... if it is God's plan, I cannot fail. Even if it is "failure" according to human perspectives, God's plan is perfect. God is perfect. HE DOES NOT FAIL!!!! (That is what perfect is in case you did not know).

But then back to doubt. My life currently seems to disagree with this crazy answer. Finances, college debt, and available resources... and health... the fears that all hold me back from doing so much. A calling so strong and clear that I finally realize if God wants it, it is what is best for my life. While most, myself included, are skeptical, God is sure. He knows what He is doing and what He is calling me to do... He is God after all. Finances and college loans (as well as other debt)... He has given me enough to meet those needs... it may not seem or look like much but it is enough. Health, the scariest of all of my fears... He has taken great care and put me in great care with great support around me and helping... shaped me up... given me new life, a breath of fresh air, a new hope... taken great care. And resources... we may not have "enough" of them, but God has them all... He created them. Is it enough? Even if not all seems to agree, one does... God agrees and that is the most important thing... God is enough. Even if I am scared out of my mind... curious as all get out but scared... God is still enough.

My initial response to this onslaught of thought: "Maybe not now but possibly someday God". Really Sharina? Did I just say that to God? Then there is this thought: God's timing. If He wants it and you want Him, it will happen. It should be Him telling me and me responding... not me telling God and ignoring a call. My response should be "whenever" not "maybe later". If God wants it to be later, it will be later... if not deal with it, God wants me now. And what if it does appear that I fail according to those around me? The response: Man appears to fail... GOD NEVER FAILS. He will not and cannot fail. He is God. God is perfect. His plan for my life is perfect. So even if I am a failure according to some of the people around me, a waste according to some of them, I know I am not. When we are in God's will and following the plans He has set before us, technically we will not fail because God's plan is perfect. If God is for me, then nothing can stop me. God is simply enough.
"Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant."

~*Galatians 1:10 (NLT)*~

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