Thursday, July 28, 2011

Galatians 6:9-10

I must admit a few things. First off, I am writing this halfway through the day (on my lunch break) as opposed to in the morning before I even step foot into work (generally written in my car in the parking lot every morning). Second, I have been kind of an angry person today. Things haven't gone quite right. The work ethic and communication of some people irritates me and it is hard to bite my tongue but I do to at least keep me from yelling at that person. Instead of yelling at them, I complain. It is one of those days when nothing seems to go quite right, trucks are unorganized, another truck shows up unexpectedly, I am exhausted, and the heat is making me sick for the fifth time in two weeks.

And then it happens... just as it usually does. God hits me with Scripture I need to hear. He throws out the words that apply to this day, how I feel, and what I need to hear or, in this case, read. It pops into my head that it is hard not to get angry at God for his usual perfect timing... for words that come as a punch to the gut. And I realize it is God who made me bite my tongue and who kept me from doing more damage than I've already done. It was in response to Him and his love that made me bit my tongue. It was my response/emotions to the fleshly desires and Satan that made me complain and get angry.

Sometimes you can do so well and then lose it all when you lose focus on Christ and become near-sighted, focusing only on yourself. Such is the case with my heart today. I can see it and as I sit here and think about it I can feel that ache in my heart. It is the ache of disobedience to the One I love. "Do good to others..." says my heart. And I pray that can be a motto to live by from now on.
"So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone -- especially to those in the family of faith."

~*Galatians 6:9-10 (NLT)*~

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