Wednesday, July 13, 2011

1 John 3:16-18

If I could not speak, would people understand that I love Jesus? They way that I act and treat people, is it enough for them to know that I love and serve our Heavenly Father? I catch myself talking so often, but do I back it up with action? Do I walk the walk to back up the talk?

Let me ask something else: How do we know Jesus loved us? Not only did he speak love in his truth and teachings but he acted on that talk. Everything he said about love and action was walked out by our Savior. He made his love truth by laying down his life for all of creation.

In the same way, our actions should simply back up that which we believe. For Christians, I can only pray that those truths are the truths of the Bible. (In order to know what truths are spoken in the Bible, it does help to read it.) So not just in our words are we to glorify God and love others but we are called to do the same in all that we do. After all, actions often speak louder than words.
"We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion -- how can God's love be in that person? Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show truth by our actions."

~*1 John 3:16-18 (NLT)*~

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