Monday, October 17, 2011

Psalm 19:14

I want to share a few verses that have been on my heart lately and give a brief insight as to how they help me through a day when I really lean on God's strength in the Word.  The first is one of my favorites and has been a verse that I have kept close for almost a year now.  Matthew 6:21 says, "Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be."  It has tied into my word for the year:  Focus.  Where is my heart focused and what do I consider to be my treasure?  I often get caught up in the world in general... and mostly the world of finances.  Here lately the world of "bodily image" has popped up on my radar as compliments are given... but I cannot take credit and know that the focus is on being healthy for God's purpose, not my own.  The second verse is one that was laid on my heart a little over a week ago.  Deuteronomy 13:4 says, "Serve only the Lord your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him."  The questions posed in my heart are: who am I "serving", why and what do I fear what I do, and who is it that I'm clinging to?  I have this struggle, as many people do, to run to people with my issues and complaints instead of running to the One... the Creator.  This verse, along with Jeremiah 17:5, have really put my "running" in perspective.  Why not run to the one who created me?  Why instead do I want to run to somebody who, if they are honest, does not know it all?  Just sayin!!  The most recent verse is one that God took me to in the wee hours of this day.  Psalm 19:14 says, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."  It took me slightly by surprise, but rested my heart.  It took me back to a week ago to a meaningful conversation I had with somebody about a prayer being said on the way to work... that it would be God who guides words and actions.  God meant for those words to be spoken with the gentleness in which they were spoken so that I would hear them, even if I did not necessarily understand their significance at the time. 

This verse is now a prayer of my heart.  The beautiful poetry about God's greatness and why I should trust in Him caught my attention and now sticks like glue to my mind.  The prayer of my heart is to be pleasing to God even when I may not be so to the people around me.  Every thought, word, and action that comes from me needs to be for Him.  A question asked in my Life Application Bible that got me thinking:  Would you change the way you live if you know that every word and thought would be examined by God first?  So I then thought:  Do you change how you act if your boss is around (or in the case of some it is their boss’s boss)?  Do you watch your language and actions around your mother?  (I giggled some when I thought of the phrase "do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"... then again I have been pretty giggly today so you may not find that as funny as I did in my conversation with God this morning).  But really, God is not with me only some of the time like "mere humans" are... He is with me always.  He knows the words before I speak them and the thoughts before I think them... Psalm 139 is yet another passage that I LOVE to read but I will let you look that up on your own time ;).  A good thought to end on, taken again from my Life Application Bible:  As you begin each day, determine that God's love will guide what you say and how you think.  That is all friends!!  I just wanted to share the "God-excitement" from my life at this point in time!!!

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