Saturday, December 31, 2011

Yesterdays and Tomorrows

It is obvious that life is full of ups and downs.  2011 was full of twists, turns, and loops... a roller coaster ride that would knock your socks off.  I look forward to 2012 being the same way (in a good way)... adding to this roller coaster known as life.  I look back at the "yesterdays" of 2011 and see the highs and lows, goods and bads... there were easily more enjoyable moments than downers.  The less enjoyable memories are probably more like things in my life that are out of my control and let's be honest, who really enjoys not having control of a seemingly crappy situation?

However, I have learned... learned from the yesterdays I did not so much enjoy... learned that God always has my back when I am up against a wall.  I have learned that it is not even really "back against the wall" but more like "backed up against God."  I have also come to realize how often I have turned to Him as a LAST resort instead of seeking Him first and foremost, through all of the thicks and thins and not just the goods.  I have learned how a kind word and a little care, even from hundreds of miles away, can bring comfort to a grieving heart.  I have seen how a listening ear can be appreciated even by those you would not necessarily expect it from... and how that can get somebody through a tough day when it looks impossible in the wee hours of the morning.

Lessons learned; learning loved.  How amazing it is that something difficult bears positives in the end... what a witness to God's goodness.  He is so amazing!!!  I look at the rough spots and I am amazed... and then I remember the beautiful scenes passed by on the journey through 2011.  That is the point in which I stand in complete awe of God's works.  I look back at 2011 and see the amazing works God has done.  I reminisce on the blessings and my thoughts also wander to how many times God has rescued me from a tough spot.  He has blessed me in ways unimaginable!!  Here are a "few" highlights (or a lot of highlights because I can not just share a few...).

-An awesome church (Faith Evangelical Free) and an amazingly loving spiritual family.

-Seeing Christians doing what they love to do and being able to use that to witness to those around... examples: my doctor, the secretary at the dentist office I visit, one of the executives at GTM, the Director of Housing and Dining at KSU... amazing people who love what they do.

-A miracle performed by God in my life... there is no other explanation for my body surviving without a need for insulin shots and for the ability to decrease oral diabetic meds... only God can perform that miracle.

-A brother married and two more engaged.

-A beautiful nephew to watch grow... who I love seeing and stand in awe of the mystery known as life... and who decided he could walk.

-My Baptism!!!  A symbol of how life with Christ has truly changed me.

-At LEAST 35 pounds lost... and how great that makes me feel!!

-Co-workers who are so stinkin awesome and a job I enjoy greatly even when it is frustrating.

-Working with fellow Christians and what a blessing they can be!

-My LIFE GROUP ROCKS!!!  Need I say more?

-Weddings and engagements of some of my best friends...  AND FRIENDS WITH BABIES (or babies on the way)... =)

-Anonymous gifts that help me and move me to tears.

-My health and not taking it for granted.

-The new "friends" God has blessed me with and how amazing they are!!

-The word God placed on my heart for 2011:  Focus.  The meaning of that word, God used so often in my day to day life.

And there are SO MANY MORE blessings that I have not mentioned... there are far to many.  Focus... God's word for me in 2011.  It is a word that so often came to heart... especially when I took my eyes off of where my focus should be:  on the Cross and what it truly stands for.  I do not usually make New Year's Resolutions... but last year I took the "challenge" from K-Love to choose a word and stick with it.  Focus.  This year's word:  Commitment.  Although I regained some "focus" throughout the past year, I did not always remain committed to the true meaning in my life.  I can have focus... but lack the commitment I should have with it.  That is what I want to add to my life... commitment added to focus. 

I sit and wonder what I have committed my life to lately... some good and some bad.  More good than bad.  I know we all lose sight of the "goal we should be running towards" (Philippians 3:14).  What is it that I should be committing my time, energy, and focus to?  When I commit, I now want it to be all out... following the One my life is supposed to be focused on... commitment to Christ, my daily resolution.  I am so excited to see what God does in the "tomorrows" of 2012.  When I commit, I want to commit for Christ and Him alone.  In all I do, I want it to be done for Him.  I reflect on the cross... and that was God's commitment to me... the death of the Son on the cross.  What a commitment!!!  I want to be committed to the one who holds my life in the palm of His hands... letting Him control (Isaiah 49:16).  "Let go... Let God" is a motto to live by... I say it, can I act on it?  I want to commit my everything to Him... give Him my all and more (Colossians 3:23).  In all that I do, I pray that I do it for Him, with His guidance.   I pray that I commit my life to being healthy, working out, eating right, and treating my body as though it truly is a temple of our Lord (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).  I pray that I commit to build people up with my words... not tear them down as I have done so much recently... that my words would be encouraging to those who hear them... (Ephesians 4:29).  I know that I have been blessed... I pray that I use my blessings to bless those around me.  I pray that I am smart and commit everything to Him... including my finances which I usually have the most difficulty with... that I would be smart the way God wants me to be smart and that money would not rule my life the way it has done in the past.  I pray I will be committed to my Prince... my Knight in Shining Armor, Jesus Christ.

I know I will stumble and fall... we all fall down... we all fall short of God... nobody is perfect (Romans 3:23).  I pray that when I fall, I get back up on my feet, let Him dust me off, and follow through on the commitment that I made August 2nd, 2007... the commitment to live for Christ who died for me.  I made it, lost focus, broke it, renewed it through His grace... and now I want to follow through, recognizing what He has done for me in my life.   I pray that my life is committed to Christ alone.  That is my resolution... a renewed resolution... a resolution that should have meant more to me than what it truly has.  Commitment to Christ.

2012:  Commitment.   Happy New Year!!!

BTW, Josh and Zoe, I will TRY to make it part of that commitment to come to at least ONE yoga class... just because you challenged me ;).

Word for 2012:  Commitment

Verse for 2012:  Colossians 3:23

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people."

~*Colossians 3:23*~

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