Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Blessings

It's a wonderful feeling, really, being blessed.  Christmas has had me thinking a lot the past week... thinking about how blessed I am.  Small things like the experience of sleeping in a brand new bed... the little things in life we often take for granted... anonymous gifts that almost bring me to tears... spending time with all of my family… the multitude of presents that are received throughout the holiday season.  It is wonderful to be blessed... but it isn't necessarily the gifts that are received that has me thinking.  What has my mind flying is the thought and the intangibles of the season and why it exists in the first place.  God sent His son... to save me.  Lavished by the love of God.  And He could have stopped at Jesus... the birth... the cross... the death that saves lives.  But God, He didn't stop there.  Every single day I am blessed beyond measure through God.  I also experience the blessings that are not meant for me... gifts that will bless people who need it more than me.

Living where I do, at the Homestead, I witness blessings pretty much on a daily basis... I have mentioned already how it can be somewhat of a scavenger hunt and how fun it is to be around and see an awesome ministry come together.  I see how it is a blessing and how it gives many opportunities to witness... it opens doors to talk about a ministry to the broken and searching.  I witness the hearts of people involved.  I see giving hearts at work and the joy behind the giving (and at times it seems ridiculous to be able to be a part of all of it... crazy at times... surreal at others).  The fact that I get to spend time with my family is a blessing… all of my family… this following a difficult few weeks for loved ones.  My family… what a blessing.  And then there are the anonymous gifts... and the heart and care behind the gift... and how moved I am... and God's timing of it all, when I needed it the most.  God's timing for the show of love and His movement in those around me.  The blessings of God's love and the Son that came and died because God loves us the way He does.  The blessing that God never quits... He never quits giving, blessing, caring, and loving.

Christmas Blessings... God's blessings... a time to think and recognize and remember how much God loves us.  Merry Christmas!!!!

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