Friday, June 1, 2012

Protection & Rescue

It has been a while and life has been crazy... somewhat overwhelming.  Recently a sister gave me a devotional called "Jesus Calling"... absolutely amazing devo if you are looking for one.  This morning it hit the mark, not just with the devotional itself but also one of the verses included in the devo.  The verse comes from Psalm 18.  I will be honest in saying that I have forgotten how much I LOVE this Psalm.  I look at it and wish I would have come back to it more often than what I have. The reassurance given from... from being overwhelmed and overpowered by life to conquering all because of the strength that only God can give.

I remember when I first started meeting with a mentor of mine.  I was worried whether God would really protect and rescue me when life was overpowering.  She read me Psalm 18.  All I can remember is sitting there in tears as I listened to how "angry" God can be when evil attacks full force... and how jealous God is for us... that He would step down off of His throne to trample the evil that is persecuting one He loves and to rescue us.  

"He opened the heavens and came down..." Psalm 18:9.

How often does the Bible say God stepped down from His throne... step down to do ANYTHING, let alone rescue a sinner like myself? (If you have the answer to this, feel free to let me know what it is!!!)  I'm talking God the Father leaving His throne because He loves me so much... He is the protection and rescuer.  He rescues and then He strengthens.  He destroys evil surround me and then builds up and helps fight the ongoing battles.  God's protection is limitless for those who love Him.

Throughout this passage, David characterizes God as:
1.) A Rock: cannot be moved by harm.
2.) A Fortress: safety where the enemy cannot follow.
3.) A shield: separation between us and the enemy.
4.) A Power that Saves:  symbol of mightiness that saves.
5.) A Place of Safety: high above and out of the reach of the enemy.

God is not a crutch for the weak... His power shines through our weakness.  He is our protector.  When trouble overwhelms us, God is steadiness.  At times I know I feel as though I am drowning in "troubles"... or worries.  But I know God is the one who can pick me up, rescue me, steady me, and provide the peace and strength needed to keep on keeping on.  Trouble in this world will never end... even the trouble that seems minuscule for some compared to what it could or will be.  God strengthens to keep going and fighting.

God does not eliminate, trials, troubles, and challenges; He gives us the strength to make it THROUGH when we turn to Him.  Deliverance THROUGH, not FROM, trials.  If trials, mountains, valleys, troubles, rough roads, or obstacles did not exist, how would we grow?  God and all of His glory is the key to survival.  We do not go at it alone... He is always there, every step of the way!! :)
"For I hold you by your right hand—
    I, the Lord your God.
And I say to you,
    ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you."

~*Isaiah 41:13*~

"This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For theLord your God is with you wherever you go."
~*Joshua 1:9*~

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