1. Cool breeze in the morning
2. Morning dew bathing plants
3. Bird songs waking up the world
4. Aroma of coffee
5. Mobility and health
6. My beautiful nephew Leyton James :)
7. Hugs and kisses
8. Smiles
9. Laughter
10. Cool drinks of water in a parched mouth
11. Access to "world knowledge" via the internet
12. Communication with the other side of the world
13. Skills to read and write
14. Modern Medicine
15. Sweet taste of honey with smooth taste of milk
16. Green of a spring morning
17. Flowers in bloom
18. Painted colors of a sunrise
19. Filling a growling tummy
20. Styles of communication
21. Coffee dates!
22. Birthdays
23. My Savior King
24. The ability to feel pain
25. Mystery in music
26. Life groups and Bible studies
27. A roommate and friend
28. A college education and degree
29. Soft kleenexes
30. Working muscles
31. Celebrations of life and time spent together
32. Friendship
33. My family :)
34. Children in Africa
35. Clean teeth
36. A job to go to five days a week
37. Passion
38. Purpose
39. Hope
40. A sense of humor
41. Rest
42. Phone calls with Mom
43. Clouds on a warm sunny day
44. Time spent alone with God.
45. A calm and quiet morning
46. The smell of clean laundry
47. Entertainment from Squirrels
48. Somebody to cheer for
49. Somebody that cheers me on
50. Cookouts/bonfires with friends
51. Stories about the past
52. Prayers at bedtime
53. "Fireflies like cameras in the stands" ~Amanda Massey
54. Getting ready for church on a Sunday morning.
55. The feeling of shaved legs with clean bedsheets!!
56. The little mishaps in life that build character and cause growth.
57. Midnight thunderstorms.
58. Beautiful Feet (Romans 10:14-15)
59. Sides and cheeks hurting from laughing so hard
60. The smell of clean hair
61. Baby giggles
62. Pictures of my nephew :)
63. Late night conversations & laughs with great friends
64. Sleepovers
65. Rumbling thunder
66. Five working senses
67. Trying new foods
68. Bare feet around the house
69. Dinner with friends
70. Health insurance
71. A running shower
72. Beautiful flowers on the dining table
73. Watching my Bamboo (Bertha) grow!
74. Soaking up the sun
75. Swimming Pools
76. Flip flops
77. Leftovers
78. Movie nights
79. Tan lines
80. Fellowship that wears me out.
81. Waking up to thoughts of God.
82. Falling asleep while thinking about or talking to God.
83. Windows down & music turned up!!
84. A working car.
85. Forgiveness
86. Understanding
87. First sunburn of the summer!!!
88. Freckles :)
89. Weekend getaways!!
90. A "vacation home"
91. Harvest
92. Helping hands.
93. A spiritual mentor and mother
94. Co-workers who make work enjoyable :)
95. Four brothers..... my four bodyguards ;)
96. My six-stringed friend compadre
97. Callouses from playing the guitar
98. The gift of music--being musically gifted
99. A good book
100. Dance parties in the office (while we're working of course!!!)
101. Funny & sometimes awkward comments & inside jokes with my roommate.
102. Protection from the storm.
103. Inability to stop laughing
104. Iced tea and lemonade!!
105. God's creativity in a sunset... every sunset is different!!
106. Rainbows wrapped around rain clouds.
107. Lightening shows.
108. The people who read my blog :)
109. Color
110. Poetry
111. A memory & the gifts included
112. Missionaries
113. Haircuts
114. Faith
115. Truth
116. "Good night Sweet Pea"
117. "Good night Sugar Dumpling"
118. "Good morning Sunshine!"
119. Journals and the stories within
120. A heart seeking God.
121. The perfect cup of coffee :)
122. Vacation Bible School
123. Volunteers
124. Children & Youth
125. Child-like Faith
126. A roommate who "enjoys" cleaning
127. Clean dishes
128. A dishwasher!!!
129. Rocking chairs
130. Cuddly, little babies :)
131. Correction and Counsel
132. Photography
134. Two Better than one....
135. Blueberries
136. Aloe plants ;)
137. Awkward moments
138. Chick Flicks with Roommate
139. "I get to "inflict pain" and make you feel awkward!!! I'm so telling Alyssa and Lindsey about this!!!" ~Dana
140. Freedom's Ring
141. Fire in the sky!!
142. The troops that sacrifice to protect freedom.
143. A guide to the world -- Operation World
144. Picture messages.
145. Cameras capturing moments remembered
146. Weddings
147. The meaning/sanctity of marriage.
148. Mondays.... ;)
149. First Birthdays
150. God's healing power
(These are in no particular order of importance. Just how they came to my mind!!! I originally began this posting on 5.28.11 at 10:10 AM. I plan to update it often!!!)
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